
UCSD Extension Critique of Classmate's Feature Story Hook

I critique my classmate Eadoh's hook for his feature story on sharks!

Triton RoboSub makes its debut at international competition

I interview the Triton Robosub team ahead of their July Competition.

Gordon Center Celebrates 10 years, honors Engineering Leadership Award recipients

I cover the 10th anniversary celebration of the Gordon Engineering Center.

UC San Diego Undergraduates Awarded Strauss Scholarship for Biology, Music Outreach

I interview two undergraduate students who won the prestigious Strauss Scholarship.

Chava Angell – nanoengineer and science communicator

I interview Chava Angell, an extraordinary nanoengineering Ph.D. student.

Meet Mark Liu: Envision Maker Studio lab manager

I interviewed the new lab manager of UCSD's Maker Studio.

Above all, build trust

I cover the 2018 UCSD Gordon Engineering Leadership Dinner

Bioengineers reflect on USA Science and Engineering Festival

I interview several bioengineering students that went to the USA Science and Engineering Festival.

Engineers on the Green highlights diverse student organizations

I cover Engineers on the Green, an event where engineering student orgs demo their work to recruit new students.

SD Hacks 2018

I cover SD Hacks 2018, which attracted over 700 hacker extraordinaires.


I interview Taylor Henderson, an Electrical Engineering Master's Student researching more flexible prosthetics.

Student-run research symposium draws big crowd

I cover Lab Expo 2019, a student run research symposium run by UCSD's Biomedical Engineering Society.

COSMOS Week 4: final projects

I cover some of the COSMOS students’ final project and wrap up with my own reflection.

COSMOS Week 3: the professors’ perspectives

I interview professors to get a glimpse of creating HS summer science curricula

COSMOS Week 2: Tissue engineering, synthetic biology and science communication

I interview some of the COSMOS students about their experience in the summer program.

Diving in to Teaching at Splash

I cover Splash, an event held by UCSD students where college students and faculty can teach special courses to high students.


I write about my first week TAing for UC San Diego COSMOS.

UCSD Extension Classmate Interview

I interview fellow classmate Mary Edwards, an environmental science afficionado!

UCSD Extension Critique of Classmate's News Story

I critiqued my classmate Mary's news story.

UCSD Extension Feature Story

What happens to university lab classes in a pandemic?

UCSD Extension News Story

Missed the Youtube Launch of the Mars Perseverance Rover? Here's a recap.

UCSD Extension Progressive Feature Story

How can I hook you on the plight of university lab classes in a pandemic?

UCSD Extension Query Letter

I pretend to pitch an editor with the feature story I wrote.

UCSD Extension Social Media Promo

I advertise my feature story to my friends who won't see it anytime soon.

Tritons get a Taste to Be

I write about welcoming admitted UCSD engineering students at Triton Day 2018.